Day 1
morning: 20/60 both eyes
20/80 right eye
20-80 left eye
both eyes 32cm
left eye 29 cm
right eye 30 cm
One hour later by the morning light. After a walk in the sun.
After a few seconds my eyes focused and I read the 20/40 with both eyes and part of the 20/30 line
both eyes - 20/40
right eye - 20/50
left eye - 20/50 (partial 20/40 line)
At night (indoors)
both eyes - 20/80
left eye - 20/100
right eye - 20/100
Day 2
Indoor reading
20/50 both eyes
20/60 right eye (very blurry and hard to read took over a minute)
20/60 left eye
One hour later after morning walk -
Outdoor reading
20/50 both eyes
20/50 right eye (took two minutes but eventually cleared)
20/50 left eye
Centimeter reading:
Both eyes 33 cm
right eye 31 cm
left eye 32 cm
Indoor reading
20/80 both eyes
right eye 20/80
left eye 20/80
Day 3
indoor reading:
20/80 both eyes
20/80 right eye
20/80 left eye
32 cm
30 cm rigth
31 cm left
One hour later after morning walk
20/50 both eyes and right/left eyes seperate
cm 32
left 32
right 30
20/80 both eyes
20/80 left eye
20/100 right eye
cm 32 both eyes
Is An Optometrist A ‘Real’ Doctor?
2 years ago
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