The board was blurry which was good at the time because it meant I didn't have to answer my grade school teacher's question. "I can't read the board," I said, squinting to make out what was written. It was legible but just barely. "Maybe you need glasses," she said. And I told my mom that.
Little did I know that I was going to get glasses less than a week later, an ugly pair of frames that consumed my entire face. 90s frames that were ugly looking even then when everything was ugly. I can remember going to school in them my first day. They hurt my eyes. They were ugly and I was so self-conscious walking down the hallway. Someone made a comment - nothing rude - they just pointed out the obvious, but it felt traumatic. I swallowed. I now wore glasses.
Twenty years later and I'm still wearing glasses. I started this blog with a question in mind. Can I stop wearing glasses? It's impossible some doctors say. I found one who disagrees -
Dr. Alex Frauenfeld - and after giving his website a read I decided to sign up, pay the admittance fee, and see if I can get rid of my glasses. This blog is here to track my progress.
Hi -
I like your statement, "keep me accountable". That is good. I like to keep the FIRST person who "encounters you", as being accountable. That would be the start of effective prevention (at about 20/50). But no OD will be accountable, since it is so easy to provide that minus lens - and everyone "fights" against "stress relief" prevention. Keep posting - and we learn together. Otis
Thanks Otis,
I tend to stick with things I learn. Not because I have any amazing willpower but simply because I have to. I too would have loved to know about a possible prevention when I slid those glasses on years ago. Someone telling me to take them off while I read or better someone to telling me to wear a plus lens. No such luck.
Penrose -
I have receives great help from ODs who described the minus as "poison". It us hard to accept that concept. With 20/70 starting, you can probably avoid the minus for reading at this point. Can you? Give it a try. Otis
When I've been reading lately I use a plus and try to read in the blur. I can get the text blurred without a plus but my hand is uncomfortable from being extended.
I can't get away with not using a minus for computer work. Not yet. I wish I could. My computer is set back too far. I have a reduced prescription coming in the mail in a few days though. I'm going to use it around the house a lot.
Hi Penrose -
I always admire the person who can stick with prevention. It is truly difficult - and I regret there is no one to tell you to START with these preventive methods when you are still able to read the 20/60 line - naked eye. I of course advocate the "plus", but on that basis assumption. If you eventually read the 20/60 to 20/50 line - I recommend it. Here is my site - for new ideas.
It does take lot of time to succeed.
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